I am sometimes asked for Paris guidance… Voila a few ideas – and I know I am a little partial to the 7eme arrondissement!
Tour Eiffel
Let’s have a walk through Paris together. Let’s start at Concorde and gently cross the bridge to the Assemblee Nationale. Now we’re in my neck of the woods! We’ve just crossed from the more classic Rive Droite to the more artsy Rive Gauche.
On Saint-Germain, making a right to Place Bourbon and around to Rue de Bourgogne, we reach Rue Saint-Dominique. Here we have two options and we’ll discover both.
Let’s start on the Right. Right on St-Dominique leads us to the Esplanade des Invalides. Crossing the big avenue, St-Dominique is a fun very local stretch of shops with the view of the Tour Eiffel all the way down. Left on Rue Clerc and we will be on a pedestrian stretch with everything from organic produce to street cafes. All sorts of cute shops and delicious food! And all very kid-friendly along the way 🙂
When Rue Clerc reaches Avenue La Motte-Picquet, turn right and head straight to the Parc du Champs de Mars, where the Tour Eiffel sparkles!
Now let’s do the other side of Rue St-Dominique… If you’d like to just walk back from there, you might try crossing the Invalides at Grenelle – my favourite cafe is right there Cafe de L’Esplanade, it’s a perfect combo of delicious food, ambiance & service. By crossing the Invalides at that level, the Musee Rodin at Rue Varenne is also worth a visit, beautiful house and gardens.
Either way, Varenne will lead us to Rue du Bac.
And Left from our original Rue St-Dominique/Rue de Bourgogne would also lead us there via charming Casimir Perier with its cute little and super kid-friendly Park. Continuing on Rue Las Cases (usually described as Paris’ most beautiful street) we arrive at Rue de Bellechasse. Taking a left we are on the Boulevard Saint-Germain, right from there all the way to the Saint-Germain action (6eme)! Or crossing Saint-Germain we visit the Musee d’Orsay. On the right at the river there, it’s a nice stroll to Rue du Bac.
Rue du Bac is a very Parisian experience. Some of the best shopping around, very French. The whole street is so charming. Starts at the river and goes to Le Bon Marche, the chicest store in Paris with the BEST foodhall, La Grande Epicerie, often called le Paradis!
Walking around Rue du Bac all the way to Cherche-Midi is wonderful. Rue du Cherche-Midi is very ecclectic. The best bookstore (with all sorts of delicious concoctions, candles and incense) is there: Librairie de L’Inconnu.
Tea at Mamie Gateaux on Rue du Cherche-Midi is perfect for all ages. And Synie’s Cupcakes is also around the corner there!
Dinner at Apicius on Rue d’Artois – charming and delicious. Relais & Chateaux.
Oh, and my favourite Chocolates at Chapon on Rue du Bac.
Best Market: Marche Bio on Raspail every Sunday morning.
Best Florist: Adriane M on Rue Saint-Dominique
Charming boutique hotel: Hotel Duc de Saint-Simon
+Fun Outing to Giverny, Monet’s home & water lilies!
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