I had just returned from a writer’s conference organised by Hay House and I was spending part of my summer with my seven year old niece. The motto at the conference was “I can do it!” It was on our pens, even on our water bottles! I saved the water bottle to bring back to Europe. Too cool!
I was showing my niece a Montessori math work called the Hundreds Board. As the numbers were all over the floor, she said “I can’t do it.” I suggested she say ‘I can do it’ and to try! I left her to it and she completed the work successfully. The next morning at breakfast, she told me “this morning, I was trying to climb on that table and it was really hard and I said ‘I can do it!’ and I did!”
Affirmations are very interesting that way. Our subconscious is a Yes vehicle. Whatever we tell it, it produces. Our words and our thoughts are therefore very important and must be monitored at all times. How much easier to start children off on good habits.
Think of a time you were looking for something. Perhaps a key, perhaps someone’s name. Your mind searched and searched but to no avail. You let it go and quietly your subconscious went to work. The next day, or soon thereafter, the right answer came to you. That’s what happens with our thoughts, and our words.
“This is a pain in the neck” becomes a literal pain in the neck.
The thought that you are helpless brings you situations in which you are helpless.
As James Allen said “you are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”
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